use Red::Model; use Red::AST::Value; use Red::Attr::Column; =head2 MetamodelX::Red::Comparate unit role MetamodelX::Red::Comparate; has SetHash $!added-method .= new; #| An internal method that generates Red getters and setters for an #| attribute $attr of a type. method add-comparate-methods(Mu:U \type, Red::Attr::Column $attr --> Empty) { unless $!added-method{"{ type.^name }|$attr"} { if $ { type.^add_multi_method: $, method (Mu:U:) is rw { die "Cannot look up attributes in a { type.^name } type object" without $*RED-INTERNAL; FETCH => -> $ { $attr.column }, STORE => -> $, $value { my &deflator = $attr.column.deflate; my $val = do given $value { when Red::AST { $_ } default { ast-value .&deflator, :type($attr.type) } } @*UPDATE.push: $attr.column, $val }, } } else { type.^add_multi_method: $, method (Mu:U:) { die "Cannot look up attributes in a { type.^name } type object" without $*RED-INTERNAL; $attr.column } } $!added-method{"{ type.^name }|$attr"}++ } }