use Red::Model;
use Red::AST::Value;
use Red::AST::Infixes;
use Red::Attr::Column;

=head2 MetamodelX::Red::Id

unit role MetamodelX::Red::Id;

has $!id-values-attr;

method columns   { ... }
#method set-attr  { ... }
#method set-dirty { ... }

method id-values-attr(|) {

sub id-values-attr-build(\type, | --> Hash){

method set-helper-attrs(Mu \type) {
    my %attr = type.^ -> $a { $ => $a }).Hash;
    if %attr<%!___ID_VALUES___> -> $a {
        $!id-values-attr //= $a;
    else {
        $!id-values-attr = :name<%!___ID_VALUES___>, :package(type), :type(Hash), :!has_accessor;
        $!id-values-attr.set_build: &id-values-attr-build;
        type.^add_attribute: $!id-values-attr;

#| Checks if the given attribute is a primary key of the model.
multi method is-id($, Red::Attr::Column $attr) {
    so $

multi method is-id($, $ --> False) {}

#| Gets a list of ids
method id(Mu \type) {

#| Returns a list of attributes that are either primary keys or marked as unique.
method general-ids(\model) {
    (|model.^id, |model.^unique-constraints)

#| Sets ids
method populate-ids(Red::Model:D $model) {
    $model.^set-id: $model.^{ .name => .get_value: $model }).Hash;

#| resets id
multi method reset-id(Red::Model:D $model) {
    $!id-values-attr.set_value: $model, {}

#| Sets ids
multi method set-id(Red::Model:D $model, %ids --> Hash()) {
    my %attrs = |$model.^{ .name => $_ });
    for %ids.kv -> Str $name, $val {
        $!id-values-attr.get_value($model).{ $name } = $model.^get-attr: $name without $!id-values-attr.get_value($model).{ $name };
        self.set-attr: $model, $name, $val;
        $model.^set-dirty: %attrs{$name};

#| Sets id
multi method set-id(Red::Model:D $model, $id where !.^isa: Associative --> Hash()) {
    my $col = $model.^id.head;
    $!id-values-attr.get_value($model).{ $ } = $model.^get-attr: $col without $!id-values-attr.get_value($model).{ $ };
    self.set-attr: $model, $col, $id;
    $model.^set-dirty: $col;

#| Returns a Hash with an id map
multi method id-map(Red::Model $model, $id --> Hash()) {
    die "$model.^name() has no id" unless $model.^id;
    $model.^ => $id

multi method id-hash(Red::Model $model --> Hash()) {
        my $name = .name.substr(2);
        $name => $model."$name"()

#| Returns a filter using the id
multi method id-filter(Red::Model:D $model) {
    my @a = $model.^{
                $!id-values-attr.get_value($model).{ .name }
                    // self.get-old-attr($model, $_)
                    // self.get-attr: $model, $_
    @a.elems >= 2
        ?? @a.reduce: { $^a, $^b }
        !! @a[0]

#| Returns a filter using the id
multi method id-filter(Red::Model:U $model, $id) {
    die "Model must have only 1 id to use id-filter this way" if $model.^id.elems != 1; $model, |{$model.^id.head.column.attr-name => $id}

# TODO: fix, $model.^general-ids can return an list of lists (for counstraints of more that one column)
#| Returns a filter using the id
multi method id-filter(Red::Model:U $model, *%data) { # where { .keys.all ~~ $model.^*.column.attr-name).any }) {
    my %cols := set $model.^*.column.attr-name);
    my @not-ids = %data.keys.grep: { not %cols{ $_ } };
    die "one of the following keys aren't ids: { @not-ids.join: ", " }" if @not-ids;
            next without %data{.column.attr-name};
                ast-value %data{.column.attr-name}
        .reduce: {
   $^a, $^b

#multi method id-filter(Red::Model:U $model, *%data) {
#    die "one of the following keys aren't ids: { %data.keys.join: ", " }"