use v6;
use Red::Model;
use Red::Attr::Column;
use Red::Column;
use Red::Utils;
use Red::ResultSeq;
use Red::DefaultResultSeq;
use Red::Attr::Query;
use Red::DB;
use Red::AST;
use Red::AST::Value;
use Red::AST::Insert;
use Red::AST::Delete;
use Red::AST::Update;
use Red::AST::Infixes;
use Red::AST::CreateTable;
use Red::AST::Constraints;
use Red::AST::TableComment;
use Red::AST::LastInsertedRow;
use MetamodelX::Red::Dirtable;
use MetamodelX::Red::Comparate;
use MetamodelX::Red::Migration;
use MetamodelX::Red::Relationship;
use MetamodelX::Red::Describable;
use MetamodelX::Red::OnDB;
use MetamodelX::Red::Id;
use MetamodelX::Red::Populatable;
use MetamodelX::Red::Specialisable;
use Red::Formatter;
use X::Red::Exceptions;
use Red::Phaser;
use Red::Event;
use Red::PrepareCode;

=head2 MetamodelX::Red::Model

unit class MetamodelX::Red::Model is Metamodel::ClassHOW;
also does MetamodelX::Red::Dirtable;
also does MetamodelX::Red::Comparate;
#also does MetamodelX::Red::Migration;
also does MetamodelX::Red::Relationship;
also does MetamodelX::Red::Describable;
also does MetamodelX::Red::OnDB;
also does MetamodelX::Red::Id;
also does MetamodelX::Red::Populatable;
also does MetamodelX::Red::Specialisable;
also does Red::Formatter;

has Attribute @!columns;
has Red::Column %!references;
has %!attr-to-column;
has $.rs-class;
has @!constraints;
has $.table;
has Bool $!temporary;
has Bool $!default-null;
has %!alias-cache;
has $!alias-cache-lock =;

multi method emit(Mu $model, Red::Event $event) {
    start try get-RED-DB.emit: $event.clone: :model($model.WHAT)

multi method emit(Mu $model, $data, Exception :$error, Red::Model :$origin) {
    self.emit: $model, :model($model.WHAT), |(:$data with $data), |(:$error with $error)

#| Returns a list of columns names.of the model.
method column-names(|) { @!columns>>.column>>.name }

#| Returns a hash of model constraints classified by type.
method constraints(|) { @!constraints.unique.classify: *.key, :as{ .value } }

#| Returns a hash of foreign keys of the model.
method references(|) { %!references }

#| Returns the table name for the model.
method table(Mu \type) is rw {
    $!table //= self.table-formatter: type.HOW.?experimental-name(type) // type.^name

#| Returns the table alias
method as(Mu \type) { self.table: type }

#| Returns the original model
method orig(Mu \type) { type.WHAT }

#| Returns the name of the ResultSeq class
method rs-class-name(Mu \type) { "{type.^name}::ResultSeq" }

#| Returns a list of columns
method columns(|) is rw {

#| Returns a hash with the migration hash
method migration-hash(\model --> Hash()) {
    columns => @!columns>>.column>>.migration-hash,
    name    => model.^table,
    version => model.^ver // v0,

#| Returns a liast of id values
method id-values(Red::Model:D $model) {$model).map({ .get_value: $model }).list

#| Check if the model is nullable by default.
method default-nullable(|) is rw { $!default-null }

#| Returns all columns with the unique counstraint
method unique-constraints(\model) {
    @!constraints.unique.grep(*.key eq "unique") * *.attr

#| A map from attr to column
method attr-to-column(|) is rw {

method set-helper-attrs(Mu \type) {

method new(|c) {
    my @eroles = @Red::experimental-roles.grep(self !~~ *).sort({ $^a.^name cmp $^b.^name});
    if +@eroles {
        return (self.^mixin: |@eroles).new(|c)

multi method submodel(\model, &refinement) {
    self.submodel: model, model.^name, &refinement

multi method submodel(\model, Str $name, &refinement) {
    use MetamodelX::Red::SubModelHOW;
        Metamodel::SubsetHOW but MetamodelX::Red::SubModelHOW
    ).new_type: :$name, :refinee(model), :&refinement;

method SubsetHOW(|) {

#| Compose
method compose(Mu \type) {

    self.set-helper-attrs: type;


    if $.rs-class === Any {
        my $rs-class-name = $.rs-class-name(type);
        # TODO
        #my $rs-class = ::($rs-class-name);
        #if !$rs-class && $rs-class !~~ Failure  {
        #    $!rs-class = $rs-class;
        #} else {
            $!rs-class := create-resultseq($rs-class-name, type);
            type.WHO<ResultSeq> := $!rs-class
    die "{$.rs-class.^name} should do the Red::ResultSeq role" unless $.rs-class ~~ Red::ResultSeq;
    self.add_role: type, Red::Model;
    self.add_role: type, role :: {
        method TWEAK(|c) {
            self.^set-dirty: self.^columns;
    my @roles-cols = self.roles_to_compose(type).grep({ .HOW !~~ Metamodel::CurriedRoleHOW }).flatmap(*.^attributes).grep: Red::Attr::Column;
    for @roles-cols -> Red::Attr::Column $attr {
        self.add-comparate-methods: type, $attr


    for type.^attributes -> $attr {
        %!attr-to-column{$} = $ if $attr ~~ Red::Attr::Column:D;

    self.compose-dirtable: type;

    for type.^columns.grep(*.column.unique-groups.elems > 0).categorize(*.column.unique-groups).values -> @grp {
        type.^add-unique-constraint: -> | { @grp>>.column }

    if type.^constraints<pk>:!exists {
        type.^add-pk-constraint: type.^id>>.column if type.^id > 1

#| Creates a new reference (foreign key).
method add-reference($name, Red::Column $col) {
    %!references{$name} = $col

#| Creates a new unique constraint.
method add-unique-constraint(Mu:U \type, &columns) {
    my $*RED-INTERNAL = True;
    @!constraints.push: "unique" => columns(type)

#| Creates a new primary key constraint.
multi method add-pk-constraint(Mu:U \type, &columns) {
    my $*RED-INTERNAL = True;
    nextwith type, columns(type)

#| Creates the primary key constraint.
multi method add-pk-constraint(Mu:U \type, @columns) {
    @!constraints.push: "pk" => @columns

method tables(\model) { [ model ] }

proto method join($, $, $, :$name, *%pars where { .elems == 0 || ( .elems == 1 && get-RED-DB.join-type(.keys.head) && so .values.head ) }) {*}

multi method join(\model, \to-join, &on, :$name, *%pars) {
    to-join.^alias: |($_ with $name), :base(model), :relationship(&on.assuming: model), :join-type(%pars.keys.head // "")

multi method join(\model, \to-join, Red::AST $on, :$name, *%pars) {
    to-join.^alias: |($_ with $name), :base(model), :relationship($on), :join-type(%pars.keys.head // "")

multi method join(\model, \to-join, $on where *.^can("relationship-ast"), :$name, *%pars) {
    to-join.^alias: |($_ with $name), :base(model), :relationship($on), :join-type(%pars.keys.head // "")

my UInt $alias_num = 1;
method alias(|c (Red::Model:U \type, Str $name = "{type.^name}_{$alias_num++}", :$base, :$relationship, :$join-type)) {
    $!alias-cache-lock.protect: {
        return %!alias-cache{$name} if %!alias-cache{$name}:exists;
        my \alias = ::?CLASS.new_type(:$name);

        my role RAlias[Red::Model:U \rtype, Str $rname, \alias, \rel, \base, \join-type, @cols] {
            method columns(|)     { @cols }
            method table(|)       { rtype.^table }
            method as(|)          { self.table-formatter: $rname }
            method orig(|)        { rtype }
            method join-type(|)   { join-type }
            method tables(|)      { [ |base.^tables, alias ] }
            method join-on(|)     {
                my $*RED-INTERNAL = True;
                do given rel {
                    when Red::AST {
                    when Callable {
                        my $filter = do given what-does-it-do($_, alias) {
                            do if [eqv] .values {
                            } else {
                      > $test, $ret {
                                    do with $test {
                               $test, ast-value $ret
                                    } else {
                                }).reduce: { $^agg, $^fil }
                        with $*RED-GREP-FILTER {
                            $filter = ($_ ~~ Red::AST ?? $_ !! .&ast-value), $filter
                    default {

    #    alias.^add_role: Red::Model;
        my @cols = do for @!columns -> $col {
            my $new-col =
            $new-col does Red::Attr::Column($col.column.Hash);
            alias.^add-comparate-methods: $new-col;
        alias.HOW does RAlias[type, $name, alias, $relationship, $base, $join-type, @cols];
        for self.relationships.keys -> $rel {
            alias.^add-relationship: $rel.transfer: alias
        %!alias-cache{$name} = alias;

        return alias;

#| Creates a new column and adds it to the model.
method add-column(::T Red::Model:U \type, Red::Attr::Column $attr) {
    if $ eq @! {
        @!columns.push: $attr;
        my $name = $ 2;
        with $attr.args{"references" | "model-name"} {
            self.add-reference: $name, $attr.column
        self.add-comparate-methods(T, $attr);
        if $attr.has_accessor && !T.^can($name) {
            if type.^rw or $ {
                $attr does role :: { method rw { True } };
                T.^add_multi_method: $name, my method (Red::Model:D:) is rw {
                    use nqp;
                    nqp::getattr(self, self.WHAT, $
            } else {
                T.^add_multi_method: $name, my method (Red::Model:D:) {
                    $attr.get_value: self

method compose-columns(Red::Model:U \type) {
    for self.attributes(type).grep: Red::Attr::Column -> Red::Attr::Column $attr {
        #        $attr.clone;
        #        $attr.create-column;
        type.^add-column: $attr.clone: :package(type)

#| Returns the ResultSeq
multi method rs(Mu:U --> Red::ResultSeq)               { $ }
multi method rs(Mu:U, :$with! --> Red::ResultSeq)      { $ $with }
multi method rs(Mu:D $obj --> Red::ResultSeq)          { $ :$obj }
multi method rs(Mu:D $obj, :$with! --> Red::ResultSeq) { $$obj).with($with) }

#| Alias for C<.rs()>
multi method all($obj --> Red::ResultSeq)          { $obj.^rs }
multi method all($obj, :$with! --> Red::ResultSeq) { $obj.^rs(:$with) }

#| Sets model as a temporary table
method temp(|) is rw { $!temporary }

multi method create-table(Str :$with!, |c) {
    self.create-table: |c

multi method create-table(Red::Driver :$with!, |c) {
    my $*RED-DB = $with;
    self.create-table: |c

#| Creates table unless table already exists
multi method create-table(\model, Bool :unless-exists(:$if-not-exists) where so *, *%pars) {
    CATCH {
        when X::Red::Driver::Mapped::TableExists {
            return False
    self.create-table: model, |%pars

#| Creates table
multi method create-table(\model, :$with where not .defined, :if-not-exists($unless-exists) where not .defined) {
    die :table(model.^table)
        unless model.^table
    my $data =
            :columns(model.^*.column.clone: :class(model))),
                |@! {
                    when .key ~~ "unique" {
                    when .key ~~ "pk" {
            |(:comment( :msg(.Str), :table(model.^table)) with model.WHY)
    get-RED-DB.execute: |$data;
    self.emit: model, $data;
    CATCH {
        default {
            self.emit: model, $data, :error($_);

#| Applies phasers
method apply-row-phasers($obj, Mu:U $phase ) {
    my $*RED-INTERNAL = True;
    for (|$obj.^methods.grep($phase), |$obj.^private_method_table.values.grep($phase)) -> $meth {
        $obj.$meth(|($meth.count > 1 ?? $obj !! Empty));

multi method save(Red::Driver :$with!, |c) {
    my $*RED-DB = $with; |c

multi method save(Str :$with!, |c) {
    my $*RED-DB = %GLOBAL::RED-DEFULT-DRIVERS{$with}; |c

#| Saves that object on database (create a new row)
multi method save($obj, Bool :$insert! where * == True, Bool :$from-create, :$with where not .defined) {
    self.apply-row-phasers($obj, BeforeCreate) unless $from-create;
    my $ast = $obj;
    my $ret := get-RED-DB.execute: $ast;
    self.apply-row-phasers($obj, AfterCreate) unless $from-create;
    self.emit: $obj, $ast;
    CATCH {
        default {
            self.emit: $obj, $ast, :error($_);

#| Saves that object on database (update the row)
multi method save($obj, Bool :$update! where * == True, :$with where not .defined) {
    self.apply-row-phasers($obj, BeforeUpdate);
    my $ast = $obj;
    my $ret := get-RED-DB.execute: $ast;
    self.apply-row-phasers($obj, AfterUpdate);
    self.emit: $obj, $ast;
    CATCH {
        default {
            self.emit: $obj, $ast, :error($_);

#| Generic save, calls C<.^save: :insert> if C<.^is-on-db> or C<.^save: :update> otherwise
multi method save($obj, :$with where not .defined) {
    do if $obj.^is-on-db { $obj, :update
    } else { $obj, :insert

multi method create($, Red::Driver :$with!, |c) is hidden-from-backtrace {
    my $*RED-DB = $with;
    self.create: |c

multi method create($, Str :$with!, |c) is hidden-from-backtrace {
    self.create: :with(%GLOBAL::RED-DEFAULT-DRIVERS{$with}), |c

#| Creates a new object and saves it on DB
#| It accepts a list os pairs (the same as C<.new>)
#| And Lists and/or Hashes for relationships
multi method create(\model where *.DEFINITE, *%orig-pars, :$with where not .defined) is hidden-from-backtrace is rw {
    die "Cannot call .^create on a defined model." if model.DEFINITE;
    my $RED-DB = get-RED-DB;
    my $trans  = so $*RED-TRANSCTION-RUNNING;
    $RED-DB   .= begin        unless $trans;
    KEEP $RED-DB.commit       unless $trans;
    UNDO try $RED-DB.rollback unless $trans;
        my $*RED-DB = $RED-DB;
        my $*RED-TRANSCTION-RUNNING = True;
        my %relationships = {
            .name.substr(2) => $_
        my %pars;
        my %positionals;
        my %has-one{Mu};

        for %orig-pars.kv -> $name, $val {
            my \attr = model.^attributes.first(*.name.substr(2) eq $name);
            my \attr-type = attr.type;
            with %relationships{ $name } {
                my \attr-model = attr.relationship-model;
                if $val ~~ Seq {
                    %positionals{$name} = $val.Array
                } elsif $val ~~ Positional && attr-type ~~ Positional {
                    %positionals{$name} = $val
                } elsif .has-one {
                    die "Value of '$name' should be Associative" unless $val ~~ Associative;
#                    my $type = attr.relationship-model;
#                    try { attr-type.^find(|$val) } // attr-type.^create: |$val
                    %has-one{$val} = attr
                } elsif $val ~~ Associative && $val !~~ Red::Model {
                    %pars{$name} = do if attr-model ~~ Red::Model {
                        try { attr-model.^find(|$val) } // attr-model.^create: |$val
                    } else {
                        try { attr-type.^find(|$val)  } // attr-type.^create:  |$val
                } else {
                    %pars{$name} = $val
            } else {
                %pars{$name} = $val
        my $obj = |%pars;
        self.apply-row-phasers($obj, BeforeCreate);
        my $data := $obj.^save(:insert, :from-create).row;
        my @ids = model.^id>>.column>>.attr-name;
        my @ids-col = model.^id>>.column>>.name;
        my %cols = model.^ { .column.attr-name => .column };
        my $filter = do if @ids {
            model.^id-filter: |do if $data.defined and not $data.elems {
                $*RED-DB.execute( model).row{|@ids}:kv
            } else {
                do for @ids-col.kv -> $i, $k {
                    @ids[$i] => $data{$k}
        } else {
  > $key, $value {
       %cols{$key}, ast-value $value
                .reduce: { $^a, $^b }
        } unless $data<>;

        my $no;
        if %positionals || %has-one {
            $no = do {
                my $obj;
                if !$data.elems {
                    $obj = model.^find: $filter
                } else {
                    $obj = model.^new-from-data($data.elems ?? |$data !! |%orig-pars);
            for %positionals.kv -> $name, @val {
                my \rs = $no."$name"();
                rs.create: |$_ for @val;

            for %has-one.kv -> %val, \attr {
                my $type = attr.relationship-model;
                my $id-name = attr.rel.attr-name;
                #TODO: What to do when there is more than one id???
                $type.^create: |%( |%val, $id-name => $no.^id-values.head )
        self.apply-row-phasers($obj, AfterCreate);
        .return with $no;
                STORE => -> | {
                    die => $obj)
                FETCH => {
                    $ //= do {
                        my $obj;
                        my $*RED-DB = $RED-DB;
                        if !$data.elems {
                            $obj = model.^find: $filter
                        } else {
                            $obj = model.^new-from-data($data.elems ?? |$data !! |%orig-pars);

multi method delete(Red::Driver :$with!, |c) {
    my $*RED-DB = $with;
    self.delete: |c

multi method delete(Str :$with!, |c) {
    self.delete: |c

#| Deletes row from database
multi method delete(\model, :$with where not .defined) {
    my $origin = model.clone;
    self.apply-row-phasers(model, BeforeDelete);
    my $ast = model;
    get-RED-DB.execute: $ast;
    self.emit: model, $ast, :$origin;
    CATCH {
        default {
            self.emit: model, $ast, :$origin, :error($_);
    self.apply-row-phasers(model, AfterDelete);

multi method load(Red::Driver :$with!, |c) {
    my $*RED-DB = $with;
    self.load: |c

multi method load(Str :$with!, |c) {
    self.load: |c

#| Loads object from the DB
multi method load(Red::Model:U \model, |ids) {
    my $filter = model.^id-filter: |ids;
    model.^rs.grep({ $filter }).head

#| Creates a new object setting ids with this values
multi method new-with-id(Red::Model:U \model, %ids, :$with where not .defined) { |model.^id-map: |%ids;

multi method new-with-id(Red::Driver :$with!, |c) {
    my $*RED-DB = $with; |c

multi method new-with-id(Str :$with!, |c) {
    my $*RED-DB = %GLOBAL::RED-DEFULT-DRIVERS{$with}; |c

#| Creates a new object setting the id
multi method new-with-id(Red::Model:U \model, |ids) { |model.^id-map: |ids;

multi method search(Red::Driver :$with!, |c) {
    my $*RED-DB = $with; |c

multi method search(Str :$with!, |c) {
    my $*RED-DB = %GLOBAL::RED-DEFULT-DRIVERS{$with}; |c

#| Receives a `Block` of code and returns a `ResultSeq` using the `Block`'s return as filter
multi method search(Red::Model:U \model, &filter, :$with where not .defined) {
    model.^rs.grep: &filter

#| Receives a `AST` of code and returns a `ResultSeq` using that `AST` as filter
multi method search(Red::Model:U \model, Red::AST $filter, :$with where not .defined) {
    samewith model, { $filter }

#| Receives a hash of `AST`s of code and returns a `ResultSeq` using that `AST`s as filter
#| Usualy passed unique values as IDs or columns with unique counstraint
multi method search(Red::Model:U \model, *%filter, :$with where not .defined) {
    my $*RED-INTERNAL = True;
            .map(-> $k, $value { model."$k"(), :$value })
            .reduce: { $^a, $^b }

multi method find(Red::Driver :$with!, |c) {
    my $*RED-DB = $with;
    self.find: |c

multi method find(Str :$with!, |c) {
    self.find: |c

#| Finds a specific row
#| using the same data as search()
multi method find(|c) {|c).head }

multi method find(Red::Model:U, Any:U) { die "Could not use find without data" }

multi method get-attr(\instance, Str $name) {
    $!col-data-attr.get_value(instance).{ $name }

multi method set-attr(\instance, Str $name, \value) {
    $!col-data-attr.get_value(instance).{ $name } = value

multi method get-attr(\instance, Red::Attr::Column $attr) {
    samewith instance, $ 2

multi method set-attr(\instance, Red::Attr::Column $attr, \value) {
    samewith instance, $, value

method new-from-data(\of, $data) is hidden-from-backtrace {
    my %cols-by-attr = of.^ { .column.attr-name => .column  }
    my %cols-by-col  = of.^ { => .column }
    my $obj = of.^ |(%($data).kv
        .map(-> $c, $v {
            do with $v {
                unless $c.contains: "." {
                    my $col = ( %cols-by-col{$c} // %cols-by-attr{$c} );
                    die "Column '$c' not found" without $col;
                    die "Inflator not defined for column '$c'" without $col.inflate;
                    my $inflated = $col.inflate.($v, |($col.attr.type if $col.inflate.count > 1));
                    $inflated = get-RED-DB.inflate(
                            :to(of.^attributes.first(*.name.substr(2) eq $c).type)
                    ) if \(
                        :to(of.^attributes.first(*.name.substr(2) eq $c).type)
                    ) ~~ get-RED-DB.^lookup("inflate").candidates.any.signature;
                    $col.attr-name => $inflated
            } else { Empty }
    my %pre = (%(), |$data.keys).reduce: -> %ag, $key {
        if $data{ $key }:exists && $data{ $key }.defined {
            my ($first, *@rest) := $key.split(".");
            %ag{ $first }{ @rest.join(".") } = $data{ $key } if @rest;
    if %pre {
        for |$obj.^has-one-relationships -> $rel {
            with %pre{ $rel.rel-name } {
                with $rel.relationship-model.^new-from-data: $_ {
                    $rel.set_value: $obj, $_