use Red::Attr::Relationship; use Red::FromRelationship; use Red::AST; use Red::Model; =head2 MetamodelX::Red::Relationship unit role MetamodelX::Red::Relationship; has %!relationships{Attribute}; method relationships(|) { %!relationships } method has-one-relationships(|) { %!relationships.keys.grep: { .type !~~ Positional && !.no-prefetch } } method has-many-relationships(|) { %!relationships.keys.grep: { .type ~~ Positional } } method create-rel-name(Mu \instance, $name) { "{ instance.^as }_{ $name }" } method !sel-scalar($attr, $name) { my method (Mu:U \SELF:) { die "Cannot look up relationships in a { SELF.^name } type object" without $*RED-INTERNAL; SELF.^join( $attr.has-lazy-relationship ?? $attr.relationship-model !! $attr.type , :name(SELF.^create-rel-name($name)), $attr, |$attr.join-type.Hash, ) } } method !sel-positional($attr) { my method (Mu:U \SELF:) { die "Cannot look up relationships in a { SELF.^name } type object" without $*RED-INTERNAL; my $ast = $attr.relationship-ast: SELF; ($attr.relationship-model ~~ Positional ?? $attr.relationship-model.of !! $attr.relationship-model ).^ :filter($ast) } } method !get-build { #& //= self.^find_private_method('BUILD_pr') method (*%data) { my $*RED-INTERNAL = True; my \instance = self; for self.^relationships.keys -> $rel { $ instance } for self.^attributes -> $attr { my $name = $ 2; with %data{ $name } { $attr.set_value: instance, $_ } } nextsame } } method prepare-relationships(::Type Mu \type) { my %rels := %!relationships; my &build := self!get-build; if type.^declares_method("BUILD") { type.^find_method("BUILD", :no_fallback(1)).wrap: &build; } else { type.^add_method: "BUILD", &build } } #| Adds a new relationship by reference. multi method add-relationship( Mu:U $self, Attribute $attr, &reference, Red::Model :$model-type!, Bool :$optional, Bool :$no-prefetch, Bool :$has-one, ) { $attr does Red::Attr::Relationship[&reference, :$model-type, :$optional, :$no-prefetch, :$has-one]; self.add-relationship: $self, $attr } #| Adds a new relationship by column. multi method add-relationship( Mu:U $self, Attribute $attr, Str :$column!, Str :$model!, Str :$require = $model, Bool :$optional, Bool :$no-prefetch, Bool :$has-one, ) { self.add-relationship: $self, $attr, { ."$column"() }, :$model, :$require, :$optional, :$no-prefetch, :$has-one } #| Adds a new relationship by reference. multi method add-relationship( Mu:U $self, Attribute $attr, &reference, Str :$model, Str :$require = $model, Bool :$optional, Bool :$no-prefetch, Bool :$has-one, ) { $attr does Red::Attr::Relationship[&reference, :$model, :$require, :$optional, :$no-prefetch, :$has-one]; self.add-relationship: $self, $attr } #| Adds a new relationship by two references. multi method add-relationship( Mu:U $self, Attribute $attr, &ref1, &ref2, Str :$model, Str :$require = $model, Bool :$optional, Bool :$no-prefetch, Bool :$has-one, ) { $attr does Red::Attr::Relationship[&ref1, &ref2, :$model, :$require, :$optional, :$no-prefetch, :$has-one]; self.add-relationship: $self, $attr } #| Adds a new relationship using an attribute of type `Red::Attr::Relationship`. multi method add-relationship(::Type Mu:U $self, Red::Attr::Relationship $attr) { die ":has-one isn't accepted on relationship without its experimental feature (use Red <has-one>)" if $attr.has-one and not %Red::experimentals<has-one>; %!relationships ∪= $attr; my $name = $ 2; if $attr.has_accessor { if $attr.type ~~ Positional { $self.^add_multi_method: $name, my method (Mu:D:) { $attr.get_value(self).self } } elsif($ { $self.^add_multi_method: $name, my method (Mu:D:) is rw { my \SELF = self; FETCH => method { $attr.get_value(SELF) }, STORE => method (\value) { $attr.set-data: SELF, value } ; } } else { $self.^add_multi_method: $name, my method (Mu:D:) is rw { use nqp; nqp::getattr(self, self.WHAT, $ } } } $attr.rel-name = self.create-rel-name($self, $name); $self.^add_multi_method: $name, $attr.type ~~ Positional || $attr.has-one ?? self!sel-positional($attr) !! self!sel-scalar($attr, $name); ; }