use Red::AST::Operator; use Red::AST::Unary; #| Base role to infix operators unit role Red::AST::Infix does Red::AST::Operator; has Red::AST $.left is required; has Red::AST $.right is required; has Bool $.bind-left = False; has Bool $.bind-right = False; #method gist { "$!left.gist() $.op $!right.gist()" } proto method new($left, $right, |) {*} multi method new($left, $right, Bool() :$bind-left = False, Bool() :$bind-right = False, Str() :$cast!) { ::? $left ~~ ::("Red::Column") ?? $left.cast($cast) !! $left, $right ~~ ::("Red::Column") ?? $right.cast($cast) !! $right, :$bind-left, :$bind-right } multi method new($left, $right, Bool :$bind-left = False, Bool :$bind-right = False) { ::?CLASS.Mu::new: :$left, :$right, :$bind-left, :$bind-right } method args { $!left, $!right } method not { self } method find-column-name { ($_ with $.left.find-column-name), ($_ with $.right.find-column-name) }