use Red::Utils;
use Red::Cli::Column;
use Red::Cli::Relationship;
unit class Red::Cli::Table;

has Str  $.name;
has Str  $.model-name = try { snake-to-camel-case $!name };
has      @.columns;
has      @.relationships;
has Bool $.exists = True;

submethod TWEAK(:@columns) {
    for @columns -> $col {
        $col.table = self;
        with $col.references {
            @!relationships.push: :id($col)

multi method model-definition($ where so *)  { "unit model { $!model-name };\n" }
multi method model-definition($ where not *) { "model { $!model-name } \{" }
multi method model-end($ where so *)  { "" }
multi method model-end($ where not *) { "\}" }

method to-code(Str :$schema-class, Bool :$no-relationships) {
    my $unit = not $schema-class.defined;
    { self.model-definition: $unit }
    { do for @!columns -> $col {
        $ :$schema-class
    }.join("\n").indent: $unit ?? 0 !! 4 }
    { "\n" ~ do for @!relationships -> $rel {
        $ :$schema-class
    }.join("\n").indent: $unit ?? 0 !! 4 unless $no-relationships}
    { self.model-end: $unit }

method diff(::?CLASS $b) {
    my @diffs;
    if $!name ne $ {
        @diffs.push: [ $!name, "+", "name", $ ];
        @diffs.push: [ $!name, "-", "name", $!name  ];
    if @!columns != $b.columns {
        @diffs.push: [ $!name, "+", "n-of-cols", $b.columns.elems ];
        @diffs.push: [ $!name, "-", "n-of-cols", @!columns.elems  ];
    my @a = @!columns.sort:  *.name;
    my @b = $b.columns.sort: *.name;

    while @a > 0 and @b > 0 {
        if eq {
            my $a = @a.shift;
            my $b = @b.shift;
            for $a.diff: $b -> @d {
                @diffs.push: [ $!name, |@d ]
        } elsif @b.head lt @a.head {
            @diffs.push: [ $!name, "+", "col", @b.shift ];
        } elsif @a.head lt @b.head {
            @diffs.push: [ $!name, "-", "col", @a.shift ];
    @diffs.push: [ $!name, "+", "col", $_ ] for @b;
    @diffs.push: [ $!name, "-", "col", $_ ] for @a;