use DBIish; need DBDish::SQLite::Connection; use Red::AST; use Red::Driver; use Red::Statement; use Red::AST::Value; use Red::AST::Select; use Red::AST::Infixes; use Red::AST::Function; use Red::Driver::CommonSQL; use Red::AST::LastInsertedRow; use Red::AST::TableComment; use Red::AST::JsonItem; use Red::AST::JsonRemoveItem; use X::Red::Exceptions; use UUID; use Red::SchemaReader; use Red::Driver::SQLite::SchemaReader; use Red::Type::Json; unit class Red::Driver::SQLite does Red::Driver::CommonSQL; has $.database = q<:memory:>; has DBDish::SQLite::Connection $!dbh; method schema-reader { Red::Driver::SQLite::SchemaReader } #| Data accepted by the SQLite driver constructor: #| dbh : DBDish::SQLite object #| database: File name or C<:memory:> to a in memory DB (default) submethod BUILD(DBDish::SQLite::Connection :$!dbh, Str :$!database = q<:memory:> ) { } submethod TWEAK() { $!dbh //= DBIish.connect: "SQLite", :$!database; } class Statement does Red::Statement { method stt-exec($stt, *@bind) { $.driver.debug: (@bind || @!binds); $stt.execute: |(@bind || @!binds); $stt } method stt-row($stt) { $stt.row: :hash } } method stringify-json { True } #| Begin transaction method begin { self.prepare( *.execute; self } multi method prepare(Str $query) { CATCH { default {$_).throw } } self.debug: $query; :driver(self), :statement($!dbh.prepare: $query); } method create-schema(%models where .values.all ~~ Red::Model) { do for %models.kv -> Str() $name, Red::Model $model { $name => $model.^create-table } } multi method join-type("outer") { die "'OUTER JOIN' is not supported by SQLite" } multi method join-type("right") { die "'RIGHT JOIN' is not supported by SQLite" } #| Does this driver accept drop table cascade? multi method should-drop-cascade { False } multi method translate(Red::AST::Value $_ where .type ~~ Bool, $context? where $_ ne "bind") { (.value ?? 1 !! 0) => [] } multi method translate(Red::AST::Value $_ where { .type ~~ Json }, $context? where { !.defined || $_ ne "bind" }) { self.translate:<JSON>, :args[ ast-value .value, :type(Str) ]), $context } multi method translate(Red::AST::Not $_ where { .value ~~ Red::Column and .value.attr.type !~~ Str }, $context?) { my ($val, @bind) := do given self.translate: .value, $context { .key, .value } "($val == 0 OR $val IS NULL)" => @bind } multi method translate(Red::AST::So $_ where { .value ~~ Red::Column and .value.attr.type !~~ Str }, $context?) { my ($val, @bind) := do given self.translate: .value, $context { .key, .value } "($val <> 0 AND $val IS NOT NULL)" => @bind } multi method translate(Red::AST::Not $_ where { .value ~~ Red::Column and .value.attr.type ~~ Str }, $context?) { my ($val, @bind) := do given self.translate: .value, $context { .key, .value } "($val == '' OR $val IS NULL)" => @bind } multi method translate(Red::AST::So $_ where { .value ~~ Red::Column and .value.attr.type ~~ Str }, $context?) { my ($val, @bind) := do given self.translate: .value, $context { .key, .value } "($val <> '' AND $val IS NOT NULL)" => @bind } multi method translate(Red::AST::RowId $_, $context?) { "_rowid_" => [] } multi method translate(Red::AST::LastInsertedRow $_, $context?) { my $of = .of; my $filter = Red::AST::RowId, :func<last_insert_rowid>; self.translate( :$of, :table-list[$of], :$filter, :1limit) } multi method translate(Red::Column $_, "column-auto-increment") { (.auto-increment ?? "AUTOINCREMENT" !! "") => [] } multi method translate(Red::Column $_, "column-comment") { (" { self.comment-starter } $_\n" with .comment) => [] } multi method translate(Red::AST::TableComment $_, $context?) { (" { self.comment-starter } { .msg }" => []) with $_ } multi method translate(Red::AST::JsonRemoveItem $_, $context?) { self.translate: :func<JSON_REMOVE>, :args[ .left, ast-value('$' ~ self.prepare-json-path-item: .right.value) ], :returns(Json), } multi method translate(Red::AST::JsonItem $_, $context?) { self.translate: :func<JSON_EXTRACT>, :args[ .left, ast-value('$' ~ self.prepare-json-path-item: .right.value) ], :returns(Json), } multi method translate(Red::AST::Value $_ where { .type ~~ Pair and .value.key ~~ Red::AST::JsonItem}, "update") { my $value = :func<JSON_SET>, :args[ .value.key.left, ast-value('$' ~ self.prepare-json-path-item(.value.key.right.value)), .value.value ], :returns(Json), ; self.translate: ast-value(.value.key.left => $value), "update" } multi method translate(Red::AST::Minus $ast, "multi-select-op") { "EXCEPT" => [] } method comment-on-same-statement { True } #multi method default-type-for(Red::Column $ where .attr.type ~~ Mu --> Str:D) {"varchar(255)"} multi method default-type-for-type(Bool --> Str:D) {"integer"} multi method default-type-for-type(Int --> Str:D) {"integer"} multi method default-type-for-type(UUID --> Str:D) {"varchar(36)"} multi method default-type-for-type(Json --> Str:D) {"json"} #multi method default-type-for(Red::Column $ where .attr.type ~~ Any --> Str:D) {"varchar(255)"} multi method default-type-for-type($ --> Str:D) is default {"varchar(255)"} multi method inflate(Str $value, :@to!) { use JSON::Fast; do if @to.of =:= Mu { $value.&from-json } else { Array[@to.of].new: $value.&from-json } } multi method deflate(@value) { use JSON::Fast; @value.&to-json: :!pretty } multi method map-exception(X::DBDish::DBError $x where { (.?code == 19 or .?code == 1555 or .?code == 2067) and .native-message.starts-with: "UNIQUE constraint failed:" }) { :driver<SQLite>, :orig-exception($x), :fields($x.native-message.substr(26).split: /\s* "," \s*/) } multi method map-exception(X::DBDish::DBError $x where { .?code == 1 and .native-message ~~ m:i/^table \s+ $<table>=(\w+) \s+ already \s+ exists/ }) { :driver<SQLite>, :orig-exception($x), :table($<table>.Str) } multi method map-exception(X::DBDish::DBError $x where { .?code == 1 and .native-message ~~ m:i/^table \s+ \"$<table>=(\w+)\" \s+ already \s+ exists/ }) { :driver<SQLite>, :orig-exception($x), :table($<table>.Str) }