use Red::DB; use Red::AST; use Red::Utils; use Red::Model; use Red::Column; use Red::Driver; use Red::AST::Next; use Red::AST::Case; use Red::AST::Empty; use Red::AST::Value; use Red::AST::Update; use Red::AST::Delete; use Red::AST::Comment; use Red::Attr::Column; use Red::AST::Infixes; use Red::AST::Chained; use Red::AST::Function; use Red::AST::Select; use Red::ResultSeqSeq; use Red::AST::MultiSelect; use Red::ResultAssociative; use Red::ResultSeq::Iterator; use Red::HiddenFromSQLCommenting; use X::Red::Exceptions; use Red::PrepareCode; use Red::Phaser; use Red::ResultSeqMethods; =head2 Red::ResultSeq #| Class that represents a Seq of query results unit role Red::ResultSeq[Mu $of = Any]; also does Sequence; also does Positional; also does Red::ResultSeqMethods; sub create-resultseq($rs-class-name, Mu \type) is export is raw { use Red::DefaultResultSeq; my $rs-class := Metamodel::ClassHOW.new_type: :name($rs-class-name); $rs-class.^add_parent: Red::DefaultResultSeq; $rs-class.^add_role: Red::ResultSeq[type]; $rs-class.^add_role: Iterable; $rs-class.^compose; $rs-class } method create-comment-to-caller is hidden-from-sql-commenting { my %data; %data<meth-name> = callframe(1); given*-3).first: { .subname and .subname ne "<anon>" and !.code.?is-hidden-from-sql-commenting } { %data<file> = .file; %data<block> = .code.?name; %data<line> = .line; } @!comments.push: :msg( &*RED-COMMENT-SQL ?? &*RED-COMMENT-SQL.(|%data) !! comment-sql(|%data) ) } #| Add a comment to SQL query sub comment-sql(:$meth-name, :$file, :$block, :$line) { "method '{ $meth-name // '<anon>' }' called at: { $file // '<none>' } #{ $line // '' }" } #| The type of the ResultSeq method of is hidden-from-sql-commenting { $of } #method is-lazy { True } method cache is hidden-from-sql-commenting { List.from-iterator: self.iterator } has Pair @.update; has Red::AST::Comment @.comments; has Red::Driver $.with; has $.obj; has Red::AST::Chained $.chain handles <filter limit offset post order group table-list> .= new: |(:filter(.^id-filter) with $!obj); multi method with { $!with } multi method with(Red::Driver $with) { self.clone: :$with } multi method with(Str $with) { self.with: %GLOBAL::RED-DEFULT-DRIVERS{$with} } method iterator(--> Red::ResultSeq::Iterator) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { my $*RED-INTERNAL = True; :$.of, :$.ast, :&.post, |(:driver($_) with $!with) } #| Returns a Seq with the result of the SQL query method Seq is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self.create-comment-to-caller; self.iterator } method do-it(*%pars) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self.create-comment-to-caller; self.clone(|%pars, :chain($!chain.clone: |%pars)).Seq } #multi method grep(::?CLASS: &filter) { nextwith :filter( filter self.of.^alias: "me" ) } multi method where(::?CLASS:U: Red::AST:U $filter) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self.WHAT } multi method where(::?CLASS:D: Red::AST:U $filter) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self.clone } multi method where(::?CLASS:U: Red::AST:D $filter) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { :chain($!chain.clone: :$filter) } multi method where(::?CLASS:D: Red::AST:D $filter) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self.clone: :chain($!chain.clone: :filter(($.filter, $filter).grep({ .defined }).reduce: {$^a, $^b) })) } method transform-item(*%data) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self.of.bless: |%data } #| Adds a new filter on the query (does not run the query) method grep(&filter) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { my $*RED-INTERNAL = True; self.create-comment-to-caller; CATCH { default { if !$*RED-FALLBACK.defined || $*RED-FALLBACK { if !$*RED-FALLBACK.defined { note "falling back (to mute this message, please define the \$*RED-FALLBACK variable): { .?message }"; } return self.Seq.grep: &filter } .rethrow } } my $*OUT = class :: { method put(|) { die "Trying to print inside the grep's block" } method print(|) { die "Trying to print inside the grep's block" } } my Red::AST $*RED-GREP-FILTER; my $filter = do given what-does-it-do(&filter, self.of) { do if [eqv] .values { .values.head } else {> $test, $ret { do with $test { $test, ast-value $ret } else { $ret } }).reduce: { $^agg, $^fil } } } with $*RED-GREP-FILTER { $filter = ($_ ~~ Red::AST ?? $_ !! .&ast-value), $filter } self.where: $filter; } #| Changes the query to return only the first row that matches the condition and run it (.grep(...).head) multi method first(&filter --> Red::Model) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self.create-comment-to-caller; self.grep(&filter).head } multi method first(--> Red::Model) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self.create-comment-to-caller; self.head } #multi method create-map($, :&filter) { &filter } multi method create-map(\SELF: Red::Model $model is copy, :filter(&)) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self but role :: { method of { $model } } } multi method create-map(\SELF: *@ret where .all ~~ Red::AST, :&filter) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { my @*table-list = |@.table-list, self.of; my \model = SELF.of.^specialise(|@ret); my role CMModel [Mu:U \m] { has &.last-filter = &filter; has $.last-rs = SELF; method of { model } } @*table-list .= unique; SELF.clone( :chain($!chain.clone: :$.filter, :post{ my @data = do for model.^columns -> $attr { ."{$ 2}"() }; @data == 1 ?? @data.head !! |@data }, :@*table-list, |%_ ) ) but CMModel[model] } #| Change what will be returned (does not run the query) method map(\SELF: &filter) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { my $*RED-INTERNAL = True; SELF.create-comment-to-caller; CATCH { default { if !$*RED-FALLBACK.defined || $*RED-FALLBACK { if !$*RED-FALLBACK.defined { note "falling back (to mute this message, please define the \$*RED-FALLBACK variable): { .?message }"; } return &filter } .rethrow } } my $*OUT = class :: { method put(|) { die "Trying to print inside the map's block" } method print(|) { die "Trying to print inside the map's block" } } die "Count bigger than 1" if &filter.count > 1; my Red::AST %next{Red::AST}; my Red::AST %when{Red::AST}; my @*UPDATE := @!update; for what-does-it-do(&filter, SELF.of) -> Pair $_ { (.value ~~ (Red::AST::Next | Red::AST::Empty) ?? %next !! %when){.key} = .value } my \seq := do if %next { SELF.where(%next.keys.reduce(-> $agg, $n { $agg, $n })) } else { SELF } my \ast =; #die "Map returning Red::Model is NYI" if ast ~~ Red::AST::Value and ast.type ~~ Red::Model; return seq.create-map: ast.value, :&filter if ast ~~ Red::AST::Value and ast.type ~~ Red::Model; return seq.create-map: ast.value, :&filter if ast ~~ Red::AST::Value and ast.type ~~ Positional; seq.create-map: ast, :&filter } #method flatmap(&filter) { # treat-map :flat, $.filter, filter(self.of), &filter #} #| Defines the order of the query (does not run the query) method sort(&order --> Red::ResultSeq) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { my $*RED-INTERNAL = True; self.create-comment-to-caller; my @order = order self.of; self.clone: :chain($!chain.clone: :@order) } #| Sets the query to return the rows in a randomic order (does not run the query) multi method pick(Whatever --> Red::ResultSeq) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self.create-comment-to-caller; self.clone: :chain($!chain.clone: :order[ :func<random>]) } multi method pick(Int() $num) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self.create-comment-to-caller; self.pick(*).head: |($_ with $num) } multi method pick() is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self.create-comment-to-caller; self.pick(*).head } #| Returns a ResultAssociative classified by the passed code (does not run the query) method classify(\SELF: &func, :&as = { $_ } --> Red::ResultAssociative) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { my $*RED-INTERNAL = True; SELF.create-comment-to-caller; do if self.?last-rs.DEFINITE { self.last-rs.classify(&func o self.last-filter, :as{ ast-value True }) } else { my \key = func SELF.of; my \value = as SELF.of; Red::ResultAssociative[value, key].new: :rs(SELF) } } #| Runs a query to create a Bag multi method Bag { nextsame unless self.?last-rs.DEFINITE; self.last-rs.classify(self.last-filter, :as{ ast-value True }).Bag } #| Runs a query to create a Set multi method Set { nextsame unless self.?last-rs.DEFINITE; self.last-rs.classify(self.last-filter, :as{ ast-value True }).Set } #| Gets the first row returned by the query (run the query) multi method head is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self.create-comment-to-caller; } # TODO: Return a Red::ResultSeq multi method head(UInt(Numeric) $num) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self.create-comment-to-caller; self.clone: :chain($!chain.clone: :limit(min $num, $.limit)) } #| Sets the ofset of the query method from(UInt:D $num --> Red::ResultSeq) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self.create-comment-to-caller; self.clone: :chain($!chain.clone: :offset(($.offset // 0) + $num)); } #| Returns the number of rows returned by the query (runs the query) method elems( --> Int()) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self.create-comment-to-caller; self.create-map( :func<count>, :args[ast-value *]).head } #| Returns True if there are lines returned by the query False otherwise (runs the query) method Bool( --> Bool()) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self.create-comment-to-caller; self.create-map(<count>, :args[ast-value *]), ast-value 0).head } method new-object(::?CLASS:D: *%pars) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { my %data = $.filter.should-set; my \obj = self.of.bless;#: |%pars, |%data; for %(|%pars, |%data).kv -> $key, $val { obj.^set-attr: $key, $val } obj } #| Returns a ResultSeqSeq containing ResultSeq that will return ResultSeqs with $size rows each (do not run the query) method batch(Int $size --> Red::ResultSeqSeq) { :rs(self), :$size } #| Creates a new element of that set method create(::?CLASS:D: *%pars) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self.create-comment-to-caller; $.of.^orig.^create: |%pars, |%(|(.should-set with $.filter), |(.should-set with $.of.HOW.?join-on: $.of)); } #| Alias for `create` method push(::?CLASS:D: *%pars) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { $.create(|%pars) } #| Deletes every row on that ResultSeq method delete(::?CLASS:D:) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self.create-comment-to-caller; get-RED-DB.execute: $.of, $.filter } #| Saves any change on any element of that ResultSet method save(::?CLASS:D:) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self.create-comment-to-caller; my @*UPDATE; die "You should use a map updating value(s) before saving" unless $.of.^can: "orig-result-seq"; $.of.orig-result-seq.of.^apply-row-phasers(BeforeUpdate); get-RED-DB.execute: :model($.table-list.head), :values[|@!update, |@*UPDATE], :filter($.filter) } #| unifies 2 ResultSeqs method union(::?CLASS:D: $other --> Red::ResultSeq) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self.create-comment-to-caller; my Red::AST $filter = self.ast.union: $other.ast; self.clone: :chain($!chain.clone: :$filter) } #| intersects 2 ResultSeqs method intersect(::?CLASS:D: $other --> Red::ResultSeq) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self.create-comment-to-caller; my Red::AST $filter = self.ast.intersect: $other.ast; self.clone: :chain($!chain.clone: :$filter) } #| Removes 1 ResultSeq elements from other ResultSeq method minus(::?CLASS:D: $other --> Red::ResultSeq) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { self.create-comment-to-caller; my Red::AST $filter = self.ast.minus: $other.ast; self.clone: :chain($!chain.clone: :$filter) } #| Join (Positional join) multi method join(Str() $sep) { self.Seq.join: $sep } #| Create a custom join (SQL join) method join-model(Red::Model \model, &on, :$name = "{ self.^shortname }_{ model.^shortname }", *%pars where { .elems == 0 || ( .elems == 1 && so .values.head ) }) { my $*RED-INTERNAL = True; do with self.obj { my $filter = do given what-does-it-do(&on.assuming($_), model) { do if [eqv] .values { .values.head } else {> $test, $ret { do with $test { $test, ast-value $ret } else { $ret } }).reduce: { $^agg, $^fil } } } with $*RED-GREP-FILTER { $filter = ($_ ~~ Red::AST ?? $_ !! .&ast-value), $filter } model.^all.where: $filter } else { self.of.^join(model, &on, :$name, |%pars).^all.clone: :$!chain } } #| Returns the AST that will generate the SQL method ast(Bool :$sub-select --> Red::AST) is hidden-from-sql-commenting { if $.filter ~~ Red::AST::MultiSelect { $.filter } else { my @prefetch = $.of.^has-one-relationships; :$.of, :$.filter, :$.limit, :$.offset, :@.order, :@.table-list,, :@.comments, :@prefetch, :$sub-select; } }