use v6; use Red::Do; use Red::Model; use Red::Attr::Column; use Red::Column; use Red::ColumnMethods; use Red::Utils; use Red::ResultSeq; use Red::DefaultResultSeq; use Red::Attr::Query; use Red::AST; use MetamodelX::Red::Model; use Red::Traits; use Red::Operators; use Red::Database; use Red::AST::Optimizer::AND; use Red::AST::Optimizer::OR; use Red::AST::Optimizer::Case; use Red::Class; use Red::DB; use Red::Schema; use Red::Formatter; use Red::AST::Infixes; class Red:ver<0.1.60>:api<2> { our %experimentals; our @experimental-roles; method events { } method emit(|c) { get-RED-DB.emit: |c } method experimentals { %experimentals } method ping { do for (%GLOBAL::RED-DEFULT-DRIVERS || :default(get-RED-DB)).kv -> $key, $conn { $key => $ }.Map } method exports(@experimentals --> Map()) { %Red::experimentals{$_} = True for @experimentals; Red::Do::EXPORT::ALL::, Red::Traits::EXPORT::ALL::, Red::Operators::EXPORT::ALL::, Red::Schema::EXPORT::ALL::, ‘&database’ => &database, |> $feature { |experimental( $feature ) }) } } BEGIN { Red::Column.^add_role: Red::ColumnMethods; Red::Column.^compose; for <AND OR Case> -> $infix { ::("Red::AST::$infix").^add_role: ::("Red::AST::Optimizer::$infix"); ::("Red::AST::$infix").^compose; } } my package EXPORTHOW { package DECLARE { constant model = MetamodelX::Red::Model; } } proto experimental(Str) {*} multi experimental("shortname") { MetamodelX::Red::Model.^add_method: "experimental-name", method (\model) { model.^shortname } MetamodelX::Red::Model.^compose; Empty } multi experimental("formatters") { MetamodelX::Red::Model.^add_method: "experimental-formatter", method { True } Red::Column.^add_method: "experimental-formatter", method { True } MetamodelX::Red::Model.^compose; Red::Column.^compose; Empty } multi experimental($ where "experimental migrations" | "migrations") { require ::('MetamodelX::Red::Migration'); @Red::experimental-roles.push: ::('MetamodelX::Red::Migration'); Empty } multi experimental("supply") { require ::('MetamodelX::Red::Supply'); @Red::experimental-roles.push: ::('MetamodelX::Red::Supply'); Empty } multi experimental("is-handling") { multi trait_mod:<is>(Mu:U $model, :$handling) { for $handling<> { my ($orig, $new) = $_ ~~ Pair ?? [.key, .value] !! [$_, $_]; $model.^add_method: $new, method (|c) { self.^all."$orig"(|c) } } } Map( '&trait_mod:<is>' => &trait_mod:<is> ) } multi experimental("has-one") { Empty } multi experimental("refreshable") { require ::('MetamodelX::Red::Refreshable'); @Red::experimental-roles.push: ::('MetamodelX::Red::Refreshable'); Empty } multi experimental($feature) { die "Experimental feature '{ $feature }' not recognized." } multi EXPORT(+@experimentals) { #my $no = "no-optimization"; #if @experimentals.none eq $no { # require ::("Red::AST::Infixes"); # for <AND OR Case> -> $infix { # ::("Red::AST::$infix").^add_role: ::("Red::AST::Optimizer::$infix"); # ::("Red::AST::$infix").^compose; # } #} else { # @experimentals .= grep: { $_ ne $no } #} Red.exports(@experimentals) } =begin pod []( []( []( =begin head1 Red =end head1 Take a look at our Documentation: L<> =head2 Red - A **WiP** ORM for Raku =head2 INSTALL Install with (you need **rakudo 2018.12-94-g495ac7c00** or **newer**): zef install Red =head2 SYNOPSIS =begin code :lang<perl6> use Red:api<2>; model Person {...} model Post is rw { has Int $.id is serial; has Int $!author-id is referencing( *.id, :model(Person) ); has Str $.title is column{ :unique }; has Str $.body is column; has Person $.author is relationship{ .author-id }; has Bool $.deleted is column = False; has DateTime $.created is column .= now; has Set $.tags is column{ :type<string>, :deflate{ .keys.join: "," }, :inflate{ set(.split: ",") } } = set(); method delete { $!deleted = True; self.^save } } model Person is rw { has Int $.id is serial; has Str $.name is column; has Post @.posts is relationship{ .author-id }; method active-posts { @!posts.grep: not *.deleted } } my $*RED-DB = database "SQLite"; Person.^create-table; =end code =begin code :lang<sql> -- Equivalent to the following query: CREATE TABLE person( id integer NOT NULL primary key AUTOINCREMENT, name varchar(255) NOT NULL ) =end code =begin code :lang<perl6> Post.^create-table; =end code =begin code :lang<sql> -- Equivalent to the following query: CREATE TABLE post( id integer NOT NULL primary key AUTOINCREMENT, author_id integer NULL references person(id), title varchar(255) NOT NULL, body varchar(255) NOT NULL, deleted integer NOT NULL, created varchar(32) NOT NULL, tags varchar(255) NOT NULL, UNIQUE (title) ) =end code =begin code :lang<perl6> my Post $post1 = Post.^load: :42id; =end code =begin code :lang<sql> -- Equivalent to the following query: SELECT, post.author_id as "author-id", post.title, post.body, post.deleted, post.created, post.tags FROM post WHERE = 42 =end code =begin code :lang<perl6> my Post $post1 = Post.^load: 42; =end code =begin code :lang<sql> -- Equivalent to the following query: SELECT, post.author_id as "author-id", post.title, post.body, post.deleted, post.created, post.tags FROM post WHERE = 42 =end code =begin code :lang<perl6> my Post $post1 = Post.^load: :title("my title"); =end code =begin code :lang<sql> -- Equivalent to the following query: SELECT, post.author_id as "author-id", post.title, post.body, post.deleted, post.created, post.tags FROM post WHERE post.title = ‘my title’ =end code =begin code :lang<perl6> my $person = Person.^create: :name<Fernando>; =end code =begin code :lang<sql> -- Equivalent to the following query: INSERT INTO person( name ) VALUES( ? ) -- BIND: ["Fernando"] -- SQLite needs an extra select: SELECT, FROM person WHERE _rowid_ = last_insert_rowid() LIMIT 1 =end code =begin code :lang<perl6> RETURNS: => "Fernando") =end code =begin code :lang<perl6> # Using Pg Driver for this block { my $*RED-DB = database "Pg"; my $person = Person.^create: :name<Fernando>; } =end code =begin code :lang<sql> -- Equivalent to the following query: INSERT INTO person( name ) VALUES( $1 ) RETURNING * -- BIND: ["Fernando"] =end code =begin code :lang<perl6> RETURNS: => "Fernando") =end code =begin code :lang<perl6> say $person.posts; =end code =begin code :lang<sql> -- Equivalent to the following query: SELECT, post.author_id as "author-id", post.title, post.body, post.deleted, post.created, post.tags FROM post WHERE post.author_id = ? -- BIND: [1] =end code =begin code :lang<perl6> say .active-posts .grep: { .created > now } =end code =begin code :lang<sql> -- Equivalent to the following query: SELECT, post.author_id as "author-id", post.title, post.body, post.deleted, post.created, post.tags FROM post WHERE ( post.author_id = ? AND ( post.deleted == 0 OR post.deleted IS NULL ) ) AND post.created > 1554246698.448671 -- BIND: [2] =end code =begin code :lang<perl6> my $now = now; say .active-posts .grep: { .created > $now } =end code =begin code :lang<sql> -- Equivalent to the following query: SELECT, post.author_id as "author-id", post.title, post.body, post.deleted, post.created, post.tags FROM post WHERE ( post.author_id = ? AND ( post.deleted == 0 OR post.deleted IS NULL ) ) AND post.created > ? -- BIND: [ -- 3, -- Instant.from-posix( -- <399441421363/257>, -- Bool::False -- ) -- ] =end code =begin code :lang<perl6> Person.^create: :name<Fernando>, :posts[ { :title("My new post"), :body("A long post") }, ] ; =end code =begin code :lang<sql> -- Equivalent to the following query: INSERT INTO person( name ) VALUES( ? ) -- BIND: ["Fernando"] SELECT, FROM person WHERE _rowid_ = last_insert_rowid() LIMIT 1 -- BIND: [] INSERT INTO post( created, title, author_id, tags, deleted, body ) VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) -- BIND: [ -- "2019-04-02T22:55:13.658596+01:00", -- "My new post", -- 1, -- "", -- Bool::False, -- "A long post" -- ] SELECT, post.author_id as "author-id", post.title, post.body, post.deleted, post.created, post.tags FROM post WHERE _rowid_ = last_insert_rowid() LIMIT 1 =end code =begin code :lang<perl6> my $post = Post.^load: :title("My new post"); =end code =begin code :lang<sql> -- Equivalent to the following query: SELECT, post.author_id as "author-id", post.title, post.body, post.deleted, post.created, post.tags FROM post WHERE post.title = ‘My new post’ -- BIND: [] =end code =begin code :lang<perl6> RETURNS: title => "My new post", body => "A long post", deleted => 0, created => 2019, 4, 2, 23, 7, 46.677388, :timezone(3600) ), tags =>"") ) =end code =begin code :lang<perl6> say $post.body; =end code =begin code :lang<perl6> PRINTS: A long post =end code =begin code :lang<perl6> my $author = $; =end code =begin code :lang<perl6> RETURNS: => "Fernando") =end code =begin code :lang<perl6> $ = "John Doe"; $author.^save; =end code =begin code :lang<sql> -- Equivalent to the following query: UPDATE person SET name = ‘John Doe’ WHERE id = 1 =end code =begin code :lang<perl6> $author.posts.create: :title("Second post"), :body("Another long post"); =end code =begin code :lang<sql> -- Equivalent to the following query: INSERT INTO post( title, body, created, tags, deleted, author_id ) VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) -- BIND: [ -- "Second post", -- "Another long post", -- "2019-04-02T23:28:09.346442+01:00", -- "", -- Bool::False, -- 1 -- ] =end code =begin code :lang<perl6> $author.posts.elems; =end code =begin code :lang<sql> -- Equivalent to the following query: SELECT count(*) as "data_1" FROM post WHERE post.author_id = ? -- BIND: [1] =end code =begin code :lang<perl6> RETURNS: 2 =end code =head2 DESCRIPTION Red is a *WiP* ORM for Raku. =head3 traits =item C<is column> =item C<is column{}> =item C<is id> =item C<is id{}> =item C<is serial> =item C<is referencing{}> =item C<is relationship{}> =item C<is table<>> =item C<is nullable> =head3 features: =head4 relationships Red will infer relationship data if you use type constraints on your properties. =begin code :lang<perl6> # Single file e.g. Schema.pm6 model Related { ... } # belongs to model MyModel { has Int $!related-id is referencing( *.id, :model<Related> ); has Related $.related is relationship{ .id }; } # has one/has many model Related { has Int $.id is serial; has MyModel is relationship{ .related-id }; } =end code If you want to put your schema into multiple files, you can create an "indirect" relationship, and Red will look up the related models as necessary. =begin code :lang<perl6> # MyModel.pm6 model MyModel { has Int $!related-id is referencing{ :model<Related>, :column<id> }; has $.related is relationship({ .id }, :model<Related>); } # Related.pm6 model Related { has Int $.id is serial; has is relationship({ .related-id }, :model<MyModel>); } =end code If Red can’t find where your C<model> is defined you can override where it looks with C<require>: =begin code :lang<perl6> has Int $!related-id is referencing{ :model<Related>, :column<id>, :require<MyApp::Schema::Related> }; =end code =head4 custom table name =begin code :lang<perl6> model MyModel is table<custom_table_name> {} =end code =head4 not nullable columns by default Red, by default, has not nullable columns, to change it: =begin code :lang<perl6> #| This makes this model’s columns nullable by default model MyModel is nullable { has Int $.col1 is column; #= this column is nullable has Int $.col2 is column{ :!nullable }; #= this one is not nullable } =end code =head4 load object from database =begin code :lang<perl6> MyModel.^load: 42; MyModel.^load: id => 42; =end code =head4 save object on the database =begin code :lang<perl6> $object.^save; =end code =head4 search for a list of object =begin code :lang<perl6> Question.^all.grep: { .answer == 42 }; # returns a result seq =end code =head4 phasers =item C<before-create> =item C<after-create> =item C<before-update> =item C<after-update> =item C<before-delete> =item C<after-delete> =head4 Temporary table =begin code :lang<perl6> model Bla is temp { ... } =end code =head4 Create table =begin code :lang<perl6> Question.^create-table; Question.^create-table: :if-not-exists; Question.^create-table: :unless-exists; =end code =head4 IN =begin code :lang<perl6> Question.^all.grep: *.answer ⊂ (3.14, 13, 42) =end code =head4 create =begin code :lang<perl6> Post.^create: :body("bla ble bli blo blu"), :title("qwer"); model Tree { has UInt $!id is id; has Str $.value is column; has UInt $!parent-id is referencing{ }; has Tree $.parent is relationship{ .parent-id }; has Tree is relationship{ .parent-id }; } Tree.^create-table: :if-not-exists; Tree.^create: :value<Bla>, :parent{:value<Ble>}, :kids[ {:value<Bli>}, {:value<Blo>}, {:value<Blu>} ] ; =end code =head2 AUTHOR Fernando Correa de Oliveira <> =head2 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2018 Fernando Correa de Oliveira This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0. =end pod