Red Cook Book
I have a model ListOfStuff
with too many rows and I want to paginate it.
my @a := ListOfStuff.^all.batch(10); # Returns a ResultSeqSeq (no SQL is run)
.say for @a[0]; # prints every element from the first page
# (now Red will run the query)
.say for @a[5]; # query and prints the 6th page
I have two models Post
and Person
and I’d like to from a Post object get its author (a Person object)
and from a Person object get all Posts that person has written.
model Post is rw {
has Int $.id is serial;
has Str $.title is unique;
has Str $.body is column;
has Int $!author-id is referencing{ :model<Person>, :column<id> };
has $.author is relationship( *.author-id, :model<Person> );
model Person is rw {
has Int $.id is serial;
has Str $.name is column;
has @.posts is relationship( *.author-id, :model<Post> );
And you can access the Post’s author just using:
it’s pre-fetched when the $post
is gotten from the database.
And to list all posts from a given Person:
.name.say for $person.posts
Create with childs
If you want to create a Person with several Posts (the model is defined on the previous example):
{ :title("First post title") , :body("A very long body to the first blog post") },
{ :title("Second post title"), :body("A very long body to the second blog post") },
{ :title("Third post title") , :body("A very long body to the third blog post") },
Create related
If you have a Person and want to create a post it authored:
$person.posts.create: :title("New post from { $ }"), :body("Lorem ipsum");
If you want to use a custom type on your model and store it in the database.
class CustomType {
has @.a;
method new(@a) {
self.bless: :@a
method Str {
@!a.join: ","
sub inflate(Str $varchar --> CustomType) { $varchar.split: "," }
sub deflate(CustomType $data --> Str ) { $data.Str }
model Bla {
has UInt $.id is serial;
has CustomType $.bla is column{ :type<varchar>, :&inflate, :&deflate }
red-defaults "SQLite";
my $a = Bla.^create: :bla( <bla ble>);
say $a.bla;
If I want to run a grep on database and a map on process.
.say for Bla.^all.grep(*.ble > 10) *.bli
Multi column primary key
How should I create a multi-column primary key?
model BankAccount {
has Str $.sort-number is id;
has Str $.acc-number is id;
Multi column unique constraints
How should I create a multi-column unique counstraint?
model BankAccount {
has Str $.sort-number is unique<sort-acc>;
has Str $.acc-number is unique<sort-acc>;
Create inter dependent table
How to create a table that depends of another table that depends on the first one?
model Bla {
has UInt $.id is serial;
has UInt $.ble-id is referencing(*.id, :model<Ble>);
model Ble {
has UInt $.id is serial;
has UInt $.bla-id is referencing(*.id, :model<Bla>);
red-defaults "Pg";
schema(Bla, Ble).create
and it will run this SQL:
id serial NOT NULL primary key,
ble_id integer NULL
id serial NOT NULL primary key,
bla_id integer NULL
ADD CONSTRAINT bla_ble_id_ble_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (ble_id) REFERENCES ble(id);
ADD CONSTRAINT ble_bla_id_bla_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (bla_id) REFERENCES bla(id);
If I want to run some code every time before I save an obj on database.
model MyModel {
has $!id is serial;
has $.text is column is rw;
method !log is before-create is before-update { say "saving: $!text" }
my $a = MyModel.^create: :text("just testing");
$a.text = "Changing the text";
That prints:
saving: just testing
saving: Changing the text
and the existing phasers are:
is before-create
is after-create
is before-update
is after-update
is before-delete
is after-delete
N-M Relationship
If I have a table of sentences in different languages and another table linking each sentence in a language to another sentence in a different language and want to find the translations.
model Sentence {
has UInt $.id is serial;
has Str $.lang is column;
has Str $.sentence is column;
has @.links-to is relationship(*.id-to, :model<Link>);
has @.links-from is relationship(*.id-from, :model<Link>);
multi method translate(::?CLASS:D: :to($lang)) {
$.links-from.first(*.to-sentence.lang eq $lang).to-sentence
multi method translate(::?CLASS:U: $sentence, :from($lang) = "eng", :$to) {
.from-sentence.sentence eq $sentence
&& .from-sentence.lang eq $lang
&& .to-sentence.lang eq $to
model Link {
has UInt $.id-from is column{:id, :references(*.id), :model-name<Sentence>};
has UInt $.id-to is column{:id, :references(*.id), :model-name<Sentence>};
has $.to-sentence is relationship(*.id-to , :model<Sentence>);
has $.from-sentence is relationship(*.id-from, :model<Sentence>);
say Sentence.translate("hi", :from<english>, :to<portuguese>).sentence;
my @portuguese := Sentence.^all.grep: *.lang eq "portuguese";
my $oi = @portuguese.first(*.sentence eq "oi");
Create Related
To add a new translation
$oi.links-from.create: :to-sentence{ :lang<esperanto>, :sentence<Saluton> };
If there is a blog where a post has one or more tags and tags can have multiple tags.
use Red;
model PostTag {...}
model Post {
has UInt $.id is serial;
has Str $.title is unique;
has PostTag is relationship{ .post-id };
method tags {>>.tag }
model Tag {
has Str $.name is id;
has PostTag is relationship{ .tag-id };
method posts {>>.post }
model PostTag {
has UInt $.post-id is column{ :id, :references{ .id }, :model-name<Post> };
has Str $.tag-id is column{ :id, :references{ .name }, :model-name<Tag> };
has Post $.post is relationship{ .post-id };
has Tag $.tag is relationship{ .tag-id };
red-defaults "SQLite";
schema(PostTag, Post, Tag).create;
my $a = Post.^create: :title<bla>, :post-tags[{ :tag{ :name<a> } }];
.say for $a.tags;
.say for Tag.^all.head.posts;
.say for Post.tags;
Custom join
If there is something you’d like to relationate but that’s not a relationship. Something you’ll probably do only once but that’s not a relationship from the model.
You can use a custom join with ResultSeq.join-model
use Red:api<2>;
model A is table<AAA> { has $.id is serial; has $.A1 is column; has $.A2 is column }
model B is table<BBB> { has $.id is serial; has $.B1 is column; has $.B2 is column }
red-defaults "SQLite" ;
schema(A, B).create;
A.^create: :A1(^10 .pick), :A2(^10 .pick) for ^10;
B.^create: :B1(^10 .pick), :B2(^10 .pick) for ^10;
my $*RED-DEBUG = True;
.say for A.^all.grep(*.A2 > 3).join-model(B, *.A1 == *.B1).map({ "{ A.A2 } -> { .B2 }" })
That would run:
AAA.A2 || ' -> ' || b_1.B2 as "data_1"
INNER JOIN BBB as b_1 ON AAA.A1 = b_1.B1
AAA.A2 > 3
BIND: []
8 -> 1
8 -> 3
6 -> 9
9 -> 1
9 -> 3
9 -> 7
9 -> 9
Source and Source-id
Another reason to use custom joins is to create one single connection to multiple tables (source/source_id). That’s not a good pattern, but you can do it if you want.
model Login is table<logged_user> {
has $.id is serial;
has $.source is column;
has UInt $.source-id is referencing(*.id, :model<Buyer>);
has Instant $.created is column = now;
model Buyer {
has $.id is serial;
has $.name is column;
method login {
self.^rs.join-model: :name<logged_buyer>, Login, -> $b, $l { $ == $l.source-id && $l.source eq "buyer" }
model Seller {
has $.id is serial;
has $.name is column;
method login {
self.^rs.join-model: :name<logged_seller>, Login, -> $b, $l { $ == $l.source-id && $l.source eq "seller" }
my $comprador = Buyer.^create: :name<Comprador>;
my $vendedor = Seller.^create: :name<Vendedor>;
.say for $comprador.login;
.say for $vendedor.login;
If you need the union, intersection or subtraction of two (or more) ResultSeq
.say for MyModel.^all.grep(*.text.starts-with: "a") ∪ MyModel.^all.grep(*.text.starts-with: "b");
.say for MyModel.^all.grep(*.text.starts-with: "a") ∩ MyModel.^all.grep(*.text.ends-with: "s");
.say for MyModel.^all.grep(*.text.starts-with: "a") ⊖ MyModel.^all.grep(*.text.ends-with: "s");
If you want to filter rows where a column can be one of multiple values.
.say for MyModel.^all.grep: *.text ⊂ <bla ble bli>
in ResultSeq
But if the options are on the database.
.say for MyModel.^all.grep: *.text ⊂ TextOptions.^all.grep: *.id > 15
If you need to classify your rows based in something and only get one category by time.
my %classes := Student.^all.classify: *.class;
say %classes.keys;
.say for %classes<1a>;
that would run:
DISTINCT(student.class) as "data_1"
BIND: []
SQL : SELECT , , student.class
student.class = ?
BIND: ["1a"]
when foreign key and pk use the same column.
use Red:api<2>;
model B { ... }
model A is table<aa> {
has Int $.id is serial;
has Str $.name is column;
model B is table<bb> {
# Here, we can use this syntax to make bb.a_id column references
has Int $.a-id is column{ :id, :references{.id}, :model-name<A> };
has A $.a is relationship{ .a-id };
has Str $.name is column;
red-defaults default => database 'SQLite';
schema(A, B).create;
my $a = A.^create: :name('A');
B.^create: :$a, :name('b');
my $b = B.^load: :a-id($;
Unique constraints with multiple column
Name a group of column to add them on a unique constraint (each column can be on more than one group).
model BBB {
has Int $.id is serial;
has Str $.a1 is unique<a b>;
has Str $.a2 is unique<a b c d>;
has Str $.a3 is unique<a>;
it will create a table like this:
id integer NOT NULL primary key AUTOINCREMENT,
a1 varchar(255) NOT NULL ,
a2 varchar(255) NOT NULL ,
a3 varchar(255) NOT NULL ,
UNIQUE (a1, a2),
UNIQUE (a2),
UNIQUE (a2),
UNIQUE (a1, a2, a3)
If there is a model that can be divided into several different types, you can create submodels for that.
use Red;
model User {
has Int $.id is serial;
has Str $.name is column;
has Str $.role is column;
red-defaults "SQLite";
for <user admin root> -> $role {
User.^create(:name("user " ~ ++$), :$role)
# Someday it will become:
# submodel Admin of User where *.role eq "admin";
subset Admin is sub-model of User where *.role eq "admin";
# Use as subset
say<admin>) ~~ Admin; # True
say<user>) ~~ Admin; # False
# List all admins
.say for Admin.^all;
# Create with right role
Admin.^create: :name("new admin");
# Load with the right role
say Admin.^load: 2;
# Delete filtering with right role
If you want to run something every time a query is made by Red. &dd
and it will print Red::Event
s like:
bind => [],
model => MyModel,
origin => Red::Model,
error => Exception,
metadata => {},
db-name => "Red::Driver::SQLite",
driver-name => Str,
name => Str,
db =>
database => ":memory:",
events =>,
data =>
name => "my_model",
temp => Bool,
columns => Array[Red::Column].new(
attr =>,
attr-name => "id",
auto-increment => Bool::True,
id => Bool::True,
name => "id",
name-alias => "id",
nullable => Bool::False,
attr => my_model.text,
attr-name => "text",
auto-increment => Bool::False,
id => Bool::False,
name => "text",
name-alias => "text",
nullable => Bool::False,
constraints => Array[Red::AST::Constraint].new(),
comment => Red::AST::TableComment,
And if you want to get events only from the driver you are using, you can use red-tap function. and to emit your custom events, you can just:
Red.emit: "my data";
or use red-emit
to emit for the current driver.